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Home » Why did the colonists decide it was in their best interest to separate politically from Britain? – Essay

Why did the colonists decide it was in their best interest to separate politically from Britain? – Essay

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There were numerous colonial countries in the world’s history. However, colonial systems were ineffective, leading to conflicts between colonies and the mother country. Eventually, people in colonies wanted to gain more rights and become less influenced by the mother country. They thought that another country couldn’t effectively protect their interests due to differences in mentality. Moreover, colonies didn’t like that they were manipulated and dictated to by their mother country. The U.S. is a bright example of a country that didn’t want to live according to the rules of Great Britain because these rules negatively influenced the economy and were aimed at extorting resources from the colony.

Obviously, the most important factor that influenced the decision of colonists to separate politically from Britain was high taxes. According to Tindall, “Colonists based their resistance to the Crown on the idea that taxation without direct colonial representation in Parliament violated their rights.” (206). It is important to note that the first catalyst of conflict between colonists and Great Britain was the Stamp Act. According to this act, many printed materials produced in colonies should be printed only on stamped paper produced in London. Apparently, colonists didn’t like that Great Britain wanted to get money literary for nothing. According to Tindall, “The British government’s efforts to force colonists to pay their share of the financial burden set in motion a chain of events that would lead to revolution and independence.” (178). Moreover, colonists didn’t have any representatives protecting their interests in British Parliament. Therefore they couldn’t protect themselves. The only way to reduce the influence of Great Britain was to make protests and show that colonists were ready to protect themselves and fight against unfair taxation.

Another example of unfair taxation and the desire to earn money by violating the interests of colonists was the British policy towards tea. In 1721, British Parliament ordered North American colonies to buy tea only from England. The prices for tea were rather high. Therefore colonists were against it. As a result, they started to buy smuggled Dutch Tea. Eventually, Great Britain reduced prices for tea; however, “In Boston, irate colonists decided that their passion for liberty outweighed their love for tea” (190). Colonists boarded three British ships and threw 342 chests of tea in the water. This event made the British government understand that colonists won’t follow their unfair rules. Great Britain decided to take control of colonies stricter with the help of the Coercive Acts. They sent soldiers to Boston and implemented numerous changes aimed at making colonists more obedient. For example, “The Boston Port Act closed the harbor from June 1, 1774, until the city paid for the lost tea” (191). However, these measures caused the totally opposite reaction. Colonists understood that Great Britain wouldn’t provide them with enough rights and that it would do everything to suppress protests and maintain control over colonies. Obviously, colonists wanted freedom and wanted to assign officials who would protect their interests but not the interests of the mother city.

It is also necessary to note that people living in different regions have different mentalities and perceptions. Colonists didn’t associate themselves with the British people. They considered themselves as a different nation. Colonists tried to protest against taxes. However, this didn’t have any effect on the British government. As a result, their methods became more and more radical. Great Britain and the colonists couldn’t reach a consensus because Britain considered colonies as a source of income. Therefore, the Revolutionary war was the only right method, which could eradicate all the influence of Great Britain and provide more rights to the colonies.

Works Cited

Tindall, G.B., and D.E. Shi. America: A Narrative History (Brief Ninth Edition). W. W. Norton, 2012. Print.

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