
Explore the intricate breakdown of various domains of values including personal, family, cultural, societal, and professional with our comprehensive mind map about values. This mind map fundamentally highlights key areas such as integrity, respect, responsibility, kindness, and courage under personal values, as well as loyalty, cooperation, communication, and support in family values. Discover more about cultural values including traditions, respect for elders, and community involvement. More...

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Values 저자: Mind Map: Values

1. Personal Values

1.1. Integrity

1.1.1. Being Honest

1.1.2. Keeping Promises

1.2. Respect

1.2.1. Self-Respect

1.2.2. Respect for Others Consideration Empathy

1.3. Responsibility

1.3.1. Personal Responsibility

1.3.2. Responsibility towards Others

1.4. Kindness

1.4.1. Acts of Kindness

1.4.2. Empathy

1.5. Courage

1.5.1. Facing Fears

1.5.2. Standing up for Beliefs

2. Cultural Values

2.1. Traditions

2.1.1. Ritual Practices

2.1.2. Cultural Celebrations

2.2. Respect for Elders

2.3. Community Involvement

2.3.1. Volunteering

2.3.2. Community Building

3. Professional Values

3.1. Punctuality

3.2. Ethics

3.2.1. Ethical Behavior

3.2.2. Ethical Decision-Making

3.3. Teamwork

3.4. Professional Development

3.4.1. Continuous Learning

3.4.2. Skill Enhancement

4. Family Values

4.1. Loyalty

4.2. Cooperation

4.3. Communication

4.3.1. Open Dialogue

4.3.2. Active Listening

4.3.3. Constructive Feedback

4.4. Support

4.4.1. Emotional

4.4.2. Financial

4.4.3. Moral

5. Societal Values

5.1. Freedom

5.2. Equality

5.2.1. Gender Equality

5.2.2. Racial Equality

5.2.3. Economic Equality

5.3. Justice

5.3.1. Criminal Justice

5.3.2. Social Justice

5.4. Civility