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Effective Blog Content создатель Mind Map: Effective Blog Content

1. 1. Research

1.1. TwtPoll

1.2. Case Studies

1.3. Ask question on Facebook

1.4. Surveys:

2. Act like a journalist

2.1. Reviews

2.2. Interviews

2.2.1. Ask experts for advice

2.3. Timely

2.4. Trend stories

2.5. Feature stories that will interest your buyer personas

3. Utilize influencers

3.1. Guest posts

3.1.1. Email guest blogger when it is uploaded so they can share with their communities

3.2. Tags

3.3. Interviews

3.3.1. Email guest blogger when it is uploaded so they can share with their communities

4. Cross-pollinate platforms

4.1. Write on other blogs you have access to to

4.2. Blog post distribution

5. How-to's and tips

5.1. Point out myths about your industry/organization

5.2. Lists

5.2.1. Top ___ lists

5.2.2. Lists of things to avoid

5.3. Relate how-to content to current event or person

6. Use existing content

6.1. Share presentation slides on Slideshare and turn them into an infographic to share on your blog and then pin to Pinterest board

6.2. Share on Paper.li

6.3. Opinion columns: Find a post you agree or disagree with and explain why.

6.4. Lists of best articles around the web for the week/day/month

6.5. Create a list of tips from around the web

6.6. Change existing content around

7. Multimedia and visuals

7.1. Infographics

7.2. Screenshots

7.3. Screencasts

7.4. Cartoons/Memes

7.5. Original images

7.6. How to videos

7.7. PowerPoint/Keynote Presentations

7.8. Resources

7.9. Illustrations/Animations

7.10. Whiteboard videos

7.11. Custom graphics